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What you need

These are some of the things to think about when preparing for Disasters and why you need them.


Water if the first thing that you need to think about in a survival situation. You can only live for three days before your body will start to shut down. There are many ways to get clean water but you need to plan for needing at least 1 gallon per person per day. and that can get hard if you are on the move. 



A person can live for about three weeks without food in a survival situation, but having safe food readily available will add to your health and well-being in many situations where other food sources might not be available.


Protecting yourself from the elements is important in an emergency situation so you don't put yourself in undue risk to weather factors, such as heat, cold, and rain.  These factors can reduce survival in a matter of minutes in many situations where your life could be on the line.

First Aid

Being prepared for injuries that may occur during emergency situations is critical to your immediate survival.  In many situations, emergency medical help may not be available for hours, days, or possibly weeks, so being able to provide care for yourself and others is essential.




Having a good knife in many situations can be the difference between life and death. They can be used as tools and for hunting,protection,trading and are essential for a survival kit of any size.




Many urban survival situations will require the use of Multi-use tools for various situations you will encounter.



Having money set aside for a natural disaster thats on hand is essential for many potential electronic banking disruptions that may occur in emergency situations.

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